Calendar of Events


All activities are during open hours, or by appt,  unless otherwise noted

LAA is Open Tuesdays 1-4, Thursdays 4-7 mid-February through mid December

January- closed for Winter break

February-TriKappa sponsored Black & White Show 

Entries received 2/4 & 2/6: reception 2/27

March- Youth Art Month

Entries received 3/4 & 3/6: reception 4/3

April-High School Art Show grades 9-12 AND Wilmer Flory Scholarship Show (seniors)

Entries for both shows received 4/10

Combined Reception April 24, 5:30-7 Scholarship winners announced at school award nights

May 2 & 3 8-2:00 LAA Spring Yard Sale

May- Kathy Ditmire Show 

This show is for Amateurs only – Entries received May 6, reception 5/29

June-Fine Arts Show 

Entries received 6/3 & 6/5, reception 6/26

July-Mimi Leslie Youth Art Camp 

July 14-18th M-F Daily 10-noon $50 Registration NOW OPEN

August- Legacy Show

Theme TBA, exhibition, generally through mid month

August 22 & 23 LAA Fall Yard Sale 8-2:00

September-Heritage Show (Exhibition)

Entries received 9/2 reception 9/25

**NEW** Plein Air Painting Event  9/6/25

October-Photography Show 

Entries received  9/30, reception 10/23

November-Diversity Show (Exhibition)

Theme and dates TBA

December- TBA  

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